English Elm collected from a farmers ditch in 1998 and was my first collected tree. At that time I had little idea of what to do with it. 2 years later it was styled and there are no more photos until recently.

Winter of 2009. The ramification is getting there now and the photo was taken to the right of centre for a new front. The bottom branch was bugging me and may have to be removed.

Spring 2011. Just before I took this photo, I remuved the very bottom branch as it was a bit straight and out of character. This tree is fast becoming my favourite of all
Leaf pruned 3 weeks ago and back in leaf July 2011
Summer 2012
After a pruning
Summer 2012 and after leaf pruning.
Autumn 2012
Spring prune up. Im hoping for better back buds this year. 2014
Muy guapo.