My friend, Steve Jackson (Harleyrider) passed away yesterday. Although I only met him once at Burrs last year, Steve and me often shared our thoughts and jokes over several years on bonsai forums. Steve made a huge impression on me in that time with his sarcastic,quick, inteligent sense of humour, writing ability and enthusiasm for little trees. Native trees seemed to light him up and I passed on one of my English Elms to Steve when I met Tony Tickle at the Joy of Bonsai in 2010. 

Steve in action and always keen to help out. (Photo courtesy of Morea Pubben)
The two following pictures courtesy of Tony Tickle
Steve spent a lot of time with Tony and the articles Steve made on Tony's trees and exploits were superbly written and very funny.
Shortly before the tragic news came that Steve had passed, I had been working on this English Elm (Ulmus Minor) over a couple of evenings and knew how much Steve like this specie.
I have to dedicate this tree to his memory. Steve was a huge inspiration for me and will be sorely missed by his family and friends.
To Steve Jackson. Rest in peace.
Potted into a much larger vessel for development of the air layered roots. They are still thin in comparison to the trunk and need weight and age. In turn the top will develop much more quickly as well
An Elm called Steve.
Summer 2013
Now the wire has been removed and a light trim. I may plant it in the ground to speed this trees development. The back branches are very small indeed and need to put on some serious thickness. The split branch on the left has also been sawn and pulled down further with the aim being to root it at soil level. I will bend it further once the branch has gained strength.