I have collected a few really good English Elms over the years, from this very ordinary looking field bank. The farmer that owned the land had spent many years cutting whatever grew there, down to the ground. Whatever survived this action, had no chioce but to grow through and along the grass.

You should have seen the grin on me chops when this one popped out. Talk about chuffed. As it happens this Elm had so much root, I put it straight in this Albright pot and let it grow away for the year. This picture was taken the following year after its first styling in 2009.
Beginning of June 2011 and its been fed strongly and left to grow and thicken. Time for the second working over the weekend. More to follow.
This is as far as I've got so far but have some time to prune and wire on Friday.
Spent the day wiring and styling today, dodging the showers. Knowing me I'll probably spend the next few days tweaking the placement. June 2011